
Recruitment process is no more complicated task for HR

Our Online & Offline solution will help you in hiring also monitor candidate’s performance

recruitment test software

Online solution for recruitment process

Wherever you are scan OMR Sheets on the spot, in the office, in the field or on the go with compact, portable scanner.

recruitment test software

Compact offline solution for recruitment process

Wherever you are scan OMR Sheets on the spot, in the office, in the field or on the go with compact, portable scanner.

Recruitment process

Online solution for recruitment process

Wherever you are scan OMR Sheets on the spot, in the office, in the field or on the go with compact, portable scanner.

recruitment test software process


Recruitment process had always been a complicate task for the HR’s. With us you’re not alone in the struggle to find great candidates. Our online examination service will help you in conducting the recruitment drive at different locations being at one location and the handy OMR solution can be useful in remote location having no internet connectivity. The in-depth reporting of the candidate’s performance helps the HR to select the candidates having par intellect and can be used at the time of appraisal as well.

Recruitment Solution

Solution Requirment

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